Robert Leet Collection
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The Podcast
This Podcast is available to listen to on all major social podcast Platforms, search Talking Books hosted by J T Crowley. The video is available on YouTube search Talking Books hosted by J T Crowley and now on Roku and Amazon Fire TV cable streaming channels under ExpertsandAuthors,tv,E&Atv click TALKING BOOKS SHOW.
The Author
Robert Leet lives with his wife in Western Massachusetts in the US surrounded by a wildlife sanctuary. The natural world and all it has to offer is very important to him and the fight to protect that sphere from man’s destructive ways is a fight he believes is well worth championing to preserve what we have today is around in the future for the younger generation to enjoy just as much as we do now.
Robert Leet has been a structural engineer for some considerable time, a career he thoroughly enjoyed and continues to do so right up to the present day, so far, he’s been responsible for the design of hundreds of buildings. A structural engineer with a mathematical analytical brain writing books! Well, you might think that odd, I did at first, but when you take a closer look at Roberts background particularly his mother’s influence on him as a young child growing up in the states in the 50s and 60s you start to see his love of books stems from his mother’s own enthusiasm for literature who always made sure books where a part of everyday family life. As a child he read books that took the creative side of his brain to the world of Greek and Norse gods as well as the heroes that came with them. Summer holidays were spent sitting in the cab of his father’s furniture truck criss-crossing America and invariably Robert would have his nose buried in a book to alleviate the boredom of the long hours spent couped up in father’s cab. Robert remembers that back in those days there where no interstate highways and America was in the grips of racial segregation with many states especially the southern states adopting the Jim Crow Laws, ‘Jim Crow’ being a pejorative term for an African American. The books he read as a young child and what he saw and witnessed growing up through academia and his professional career path has shaped the Robert Leet we see today. It’s a pity he didn’t feel confident enough to write his books until recently, but thank goodness he did, for when you read them you ‘ll see a lot of there background comes from his own background just like many authors do drawing upon their own experiences in life.
So, let’s turn to the books.
Check out our video chat here!
The Books
This book is 400 pages of page-turning sequences and events that will crab the attention of all you science and time fiction addicts. The story is divided into 31 chapters that perfectly reveal the plot at various junctures as the author transports you to perilous places. The book is rife with tension, conflict and suspicion just like a novel of this nature should be. Ron Larsen the main character is a modest, self-effacing teenager with little ambition in life apart from earning some pocket money from his chess matches. Regina Russo is an aberrant physicist of renowned beauty and decadence with whom he develops a loving relationship. As that bond develops Regina takes on the role of mentor and entices Ron on a journey of discovery of what time is, but more importantly of what time is not. As they plummet into unchartered waters with experiments that are too dangerous to be revealed, they find themselves enmeshed in all sorts of situations. Fearing discovery as to their searchings they are compelled into secrecy, but the battles they have with a rogue FBI agent who considers them to be state terrorists really does muddy the waters, but this aspect of the story enhances the overall conspiracy buried within the pages.
For me the brilliance of the storyline along with the creative writing Robert Leet has adopted leaves me with nothing more to say, but ‘A job well done and executed.’
This is the second book Robert Leet has written and it is in some ways very different to his first book Timewise which he planned several years beforehand. Resonant is a smaller book with the story been written very concisely in 24 Chapters and just over 200 pages. When you look at the introduction Robert Leet reiterates the concept of Timewise and that it tackled a subject Richard Feynman called the only inscrutable problem in Quantum Physics, namely making sense of the two-slit experiment. In Resonant he daringly examines another compulsive area in science which evolves around how reality aligns itself in levels of scale that oddly enough are divorced from each other. From small to large you have the various scientific fields of Quantum, Relativistic, Newtonian, Planetary, Astro physics alongside chemistry and biology. Now we all know each scientific area has its own origin and thinking but can they be viewed multilaterally as a seamless existence for the common good.
This conceptual visualisation is told through the eyes of an aging mathematician, an inner circle of friends, humpback whale language, nature of numbers, structure of matter, and conflicts with the US Navy and the whales themselves. Resonant is a mind-blowing book that stands on its own, cleverly written and extremely interesting to read.
Publishers for the above books are Porter Field Publishing. You can get the books on the website below.
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I’m extremely thankful to Robert for giving me this wonderful opportunity to interview him about his books which I found thoroughly absorbing. When I first looked at them, I thought this is an author I sincerely hope I get to interview, so when he accepted my invitation, I was over the moon, and I must confess I have loved working with him to create this podcast.
Thanks Robert.