
The Importance of Incense and Rocks

Serving Up Witchcraft and Magick Young Crones Cafe | Web Talk Radio

Elizabeth Chapman and David Blythe

The Crone & Sage talk about how incense and rocks have always been an important part of Su’s and my practices as we crafted The Path Tradition and how every Witch needs to find their personal affinity with something and use it their own practice (and no it doesn’t have to be incense or rocks either). During our Practices segment which is all about doing what we do and the reasons for it and what we get out of it, we focused on those little things you can do to create a personally relevant daily practice to remind yourself that magick exists, you are managing things for yourself, and to remember that you are Witch. Finally, the Sage wishes all of us a blessed Winter Solstice and as part of our new year suggests that you find a word that best expresses what you want your personal practices to focus on over the next year. Happy New Year to all!