
“Get out of Your Monkey Brain” with Hrvoje Muzar on the line today from Croatia.

Julianne McLean

Hrvoje Muzar has more than being a fitness coach on his mind. He lives and teaches by a fascinating age-old philosophy of   Vipassana which “H” says teaches us “to start being comfortable with being uncomfortable”.

Perhaps a paradox? But isn’t that what our life’s journey is all about… mastering emotionally the inevitable the ups and downs of life with successful navigation?

The journey of “H” begins with an ascetic or monk like retreat in Poland to his thus inspired own ENERGISE RETREAT in the stunningly beautiful Croation landscape where he, not only, encourages physical fitness but feeds the body with optimum nutrition and the mind with his well-studied and experienced wisdom from the pre- Buddhist philosophers and with a little from our Ancient Greeks.

Hrvoje teaches us that self-awareness is essential through our understanding of basic principles which can enhance and foster more positive relationships with others and so much more fulfilling journeys with partners and our children.

Let us lose our monkey brains and be the wonderful self-fulfilled humans we can be and inspire others just like “H” has done for us, today.

Yes, a must listen and listen and learn AGAIN!  Hrvoje Muzar – 

You can find  HJVORE on Facebook and instagram

energize_fit_hrvoje_muzar Instagram active holiday with H.