
A Year of Ritual Practices Episode

Serving Up Witchcraft and Magick Young Crones Cafe | Web Talk Radio

Elizabeth Chapman and David Blythe

In this episode, the Crone & Sage talk about how they each celebrated the recent Winter Solstice. In spite of major computer issues, hopefully you can make some sense of their conversation. They skipped any Cross Quarter Times Discussions and moved on to the Lunar Cycle. Because of late recording (computer issues again), it is the Dark Night of the Moon and it is in Sagittarius. Our Liturgy Reading is about the Dark Night of the Moon. During the Ritualization of the Everyday segment, the Sage talks about the reorganization he has been doing with his largest personal altar. The two of them also discussed how each of them has personal altars around their own living spaces for different purposes. Finally, the Sage finishes up with a Witchstone reading about potential energies that may affect our Sacred Three of Body, Mind, & Spirit as we move into the new calendar year.