
A Year of Our Ritual Practices

Serving Up Witchcraft and Magick Young Crones Cafe | Web Talk Radio

Elizabeth Chapman and David Blythe

The Crone & Sage start off talking about the ongoing changes in the Solar Energy and the fact that we will be moving into the Times of Candlemas next week where we change our focus from our relationships with the Element of Water to the Element of Fire. In the Lunar Cycle, the Moon is a Waning Crescent moving towards the Dark Times of the Moon for the month and our Ingress Celebration for Candlemas. Our Liturgy Reading this week is a “Psalm for When You are Physically Exhausted” which seems especially fitting with the weather and personal health at this time of year. During our Ritualization of the Everyday, we talk about acknowledging not only the magickal but those mundane things we do that are equally important parts of our daily lives. Finally, the Sage finishes up with a Witchstones reading about what energies we may need to be mindful of for the next few days.