
Eat, Exercise, Live – Dogs – Truly Man’s Best Friend

Please join me with Dr. Matt Reeves Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Michigan State University. His training includes a degree in veterinary medicine from the University of Liverpool, residency training in veterinary surgery and a Masters’ degree from Colorado State University, and a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania. We will be looking at a number of studies on how dog ownership contributes to our health including Dr. Reeves own study of evidence of the potential for dog ownership to facilitate higher levels of physical activity – not for the reasons we think! As I always say – there is absolutely no better way to show love than by caring for someone’s health. Dogs truly are our BFFs. As a cardiovascular epidemiologist Dr. Reeves will be sharing with us many creative ideas for getting not just our exercise – but our LTPA – Leisure Time Physical Activity.

As always – huge thanks to our sponsors. Dr. Ariel Ortiz – world’s #1 weight loss surgeon – will be joining us to share his thoughts & wishes for all of us on attaining our physical activity goals. Dr. Ortiz is a serious supporter & role model for living a proactive, health centric lifestyle. Obesity is a health hazard. Getting treatment from the very best can save your life & provide a quality of life never thought possible. Give yourself the opportunity and tools to lose that excess weight and live a fulfilling life. Please call 1-866-DrOrtiz (376-7849). All customer service representatives of the Obesity Control Center are patients themselves and are ready to answer any questions about weight loss surgery options. Making the call is the hardest part – but you may speak to Dr. Ortiz himself. OCC provides financing to assure this life saving surgery is within your reach – cost should not be your limiting factor. The Best Wealth is Health!

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