
Car Care for the Clueless – Customers speak up on this week’s show


Pam Oakes

This week on Car Care for the Clueless, show host Pam Oakes takes questions from some of her customers regarding vehicle symptoms. Maggie asks about wheel balance, Rob questions brake noise and Dusty wants to know what’s going on when your air conditioner doesn’t work. Pam has all the answers and discusses different scenarios with each question. Sue, this week’s emailer, wants to know when to say “when” on her 167,000-mile, Asian car. She had another expensive repair recently and, now, the vehicle is running rough. Pam gives her some tips regarding how much to invest in one’s vehicle no matter how many miles are on the car.

Gadget guru Peter Sudak is back — in studio this week — to talk about seeing more clearly while traveling this summer. Re-introducing a old, but time-tested product Rain-X for your car or truck’s windshield. And, it really works. Pam’s parents can vouch for that after she applied the product on their vehicle, before leaving for a summer road trip.

This week’s trouble service bulletins, include: Steering vibration and or fluttering on Toyota Camrys, Soleras and Avalons (Bulletin #T-SB-0106-08) and a wide range of General Motor’s products that are experiencing slight transmission fluid leaks (Bulletin #01-07-30-032E).

And don’t forget Pam’s book, Car Care for the Clueless (or How You Can ‘Make Money’ While Maintaining Your Vehicle)”. It is available in paperback, for your digital media or Kindle at Pam’s web sites: or