
On America’s Frontlines of Crime and War – Presidential Follies… How Bad Will it Get

The Headlines in Main Stream Media are doing all the speaking for me really. There is one Presidential & Adminstrational follie after another as we see the writhing of this leaderless group reaching for straws. They have to be hoping on top of hope for shade and cover from the heat that just keeps coming. Its like in youth sports and when your learning to read the opponents – you can smell the fear, you can see the confusion in their eyes, the flailing about gives away to their worst fears and on the field they loose the competition. Ya that’s all happening before our very eyes – only this time its Adults. This time its the Adults in Charge of our Nation; its this Administration. My opinions of course are tainted to my political leaning but it is my show after all and my opinion IS center stage. Tune in; enjoy it, and SHARE it. Your support could not be more awesome than it is

Simply pounding the headlines here in this episode with a colorful and definitively non-main stream spin on things. Enjoy the short fast pace of it and tune in again next week!

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