
Living Your Passion Every Day

Connie Whitman Podcast Host on Web Talk Radio

Connie Whitman

Connie’s Inspiring quote is by ~ Simon Sinek

Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.”

Deep down we all know this quote is true…right? Yet in a recent Gallop poll, 70% of Americans “hate” their job. So what are we doing wrong and why do we keep going to a job we “hate?”

Most of us have bills to pay and need that steady pay check, but what if there is more? Would you go for it and live your passion, even if it’s only on a part time basis?

Today your host, Connie Whitman, speaks with Alfred Otero.  We are going to hear his story about how he lives his passion by writing children’s stories, that are filled with so many of life’s lessons about adventure, fun, love, compassion, morals and so much more!

Al is a Physician Assistant, by day, working in family medicine for 20 years and also spent 11 years in the Navy – active and reserve. He has always loved and been passionate about writing and finally was able to complete his first novel called “Pilla and the Spiders’ Web.”

Contact info:  [email protected]