
Larry Morphew: Country Folk

JT Crowley

Larry Morphew has worked in broadcasting for over forty years, he’s hosted talk shows addressing crime, politics as well as general life issues. Across several radio stations he’s produced and directed no end of news programmes. Broadcasting has been his life, right from his teen years he knew he wanted to be on the airwaves be that late at night or early morning. The one thing Larry learnt over the years was that the later the show the weirder the phone-in chats became.

Stepping away from broadcasting, Larry decided to use his editorial skills and dip his toe into writing, hence his debut Novel ‘Country Folk.’ The book will appeal to those discerning readers who love historical fiction, country and rural tales of America’s deep south from the early 1900’s through to the fifties. Larry grew up in rural Arkansas and was one of eleven siblings, he presently lives in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas in the U.S, with his wife and extended family. 


 This story is a deeply touching story about a ten-year-old girl (Larry’s aunt) relaying the story of what she suffered at the hands of her father who blamed her for the loss of his wife due to a complicated birth. Thank goodness for a kind uncle.

The First Frost

 A story all about Nettie getting a new pair of shoes. This enchanting story of kids with bare feet dreaming of new shoes to face the harsh winters of rural Arkansas is wonderfully told through the eyes of his mother.

Tinker, Tut and Doo Dobber 

A dare-devil tale of three boys messing around in the surging waters of the local creek following days of torrential storms that had ravaged the area. They were lucky to get out alive.

 An endearing book of bygone days in rural Arkansas told from one family’s prospective.