
070.  Melitta Campbell – The Small Business Marketing Advantage 

Connie Whitman Podcast Host on Web Talk Radio

Connie Whitman

Connie’s motivational quote today is by – Jonathan Perelman

“Content is king, but distribution is queen. And she wears the pants.”

Check Out These Highlights: 

I know I sound like a broken record when I say that sales and marketing are two very different things.  My perspective is Marketing opens doors, gets attention and begins to build the like, know, trust factor.  Then comes the sales conversation, which speaks to the communication flow of the sales process, follow-up protocols, product and service deliverables, building rapport and trust, accountability, etc.  Marketing and sales alone cannot grow a business.  Operations, cash flow, all financials, product and service deliverables, receivables, inventory control, and the list goes on for a business to stay afloat and grow year after year. 

Today we are going to dig in on the marketing piece for building our client connections. 

About Melitta Campbell:

Over the last three decades, my guest and award-winning business coach, Melitta Campbell, has noticed two things: that the best marketing is simple and significant, and that small business owners have a distinct advantage over their corporate cousins when it comes to achieving this. In today’s episode, she shares how small business owners can use this advantage to start working with more of their dream clients and deepen their positive impact on the world. 

Melitta is also the best-selling author of A Shy Girl’s Guide to Networking, and host of the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast.    

How to Get in Touch With Melitta Campbell:


Email:  [email protected]

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Connie’s #1 International Bestseller Book – ESP (Easy Sales Process): 7-Step to Sales Success: 

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