David Greenaway has spent most of his life battling mental illness/addiction issues. Despite
the many uphill struggles David has learnt to adapt his life and, overall maintain a status quo that enables him to lead a reasonably balanced lifestyle. The dark days in his life he has found solace in those close to him be they family and friends, or professionals that have
counselled him to bear with the difficult times and celebrate the good chapters. But
throughout his life he has maintained a fervent passion for books, so much so he has today
fulfilled a lifetimes ambition with this new book of his.
David was born in Willenhall a town steeped in the history and culture of the Black Country
an industrial heartland that formed the backbone of the British Industrial Revolution in
bygone days. At eight he moved to Wales with his parents and sister Lucie and to this day he still resides in Wales in a place called Tywyn a small coastal community not far from
Snowdonia National Park. David has dabbled in quite a few things in his life, some good,
some not so. He presently receives regular depot injections which is an antipsychotic
treatment available to people who face psychotic disorders in their lives.
David has a daughter Phaedra Hermione, a grandson Isaac and is presently awaiting the
arrival of another grandchild.
Check out our conversation here!
When I spoke with David before doing this Podcast, I got the sense that this book of his was
a labour of love but at times an arduous affair, similar in away to David’s own life. Is it a
book to cuddle up in bed with, definitely not, nor was it written with that intention, this is a
book for me that has been written to stir the mind. Having read the book my impression is
that this is a series of informed statements gathered together expressing the opinions and
observations of the author David about the economic and social well-being of modern
society and all the issues and challenges that currently dominate our headlines.
This book is interestingly written, well worth flicking through the pages to see the
viewpoints of a man who has certainly seen life from the edge in all its forms. The dates in
the book are the days David compiled the text.
Thank you, David, for giving me the opportunity of getting some way into the mindset of a
person who sees life from a very different perspective.
If you want to know more about the book and David, the author head to the webpage
You can get the book by clicking the Amazon link below or alternatively you can go to
www.aliengg7book.com or the publishers own webpage www.xlibris.com book store search
David Keith Greenaway. If you purchase the book from David’s webpage, you’ll get a
personalised signed message.