
Middle Age Can Be Your Best Age – Make Money from Your Passion and Conquer Pain

Roy Richards

What happens when your paycheck no longer motivates you? Must you accept the same boring or stressful routine every single workday until you retire?  “Absolutely not!” contends Life Coach Carol Wokoh. Discover how to uncover your very own true life purpose, identify your passion and overcome fear of the unknown. Considering starting up or buying a business? Learn primary challenges to overcome and essential attributes you will need to successfully transition from employee to entrepreneur. Do you, a loved one or a family member suffer from chronic pain? Pain mitigation expert Beth Darnall PhD reveals the most important key to combating chronic pain; it’s not painkiller medication or even your physician–it’s YOU! Tune in to discover ten simple steps you can use to relieve pain without dangerous ‘painkiller’ medication.

Host: Roy Richards