
Simon the Self-Control Seal: Demby’s Playful Parables by Kyri Demby


Suzanne Harris & Friends


Simon the Self-Control Seal is a children’s book and part of the Demby’s Playful Parables series. Author Kyri Demby was influenced by Aesop’s Fables in his use of animals in stories to teach lessons to children.

Simon is a seal who always makes good choices because he uses self-control. If you’re having a little trouble following the rules and making good choices, you should use Simon’s little trick for controlling himself. He sings his little song; “Stop, think, and breathe, and make the right choice”!

After you learn this trick, you will have a great time everywhere you go.


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One of the many Demby’s Playful Parables, Simon the Self-Control Seal lets the reader know how to always make the right choices as you become an example for all the other students at your school. And maybe someone will write a book about YOU!

Go to Amazon and put DEMBY’S PLAYFUL PARABLES into the search feature to discover a treasure trove of other books and activities just right for children.

Want more of Kyri Demby’s joyful learning with music –  visit his YouTube Channel here!