Hour One
Host John Henigin and Co-Host Frank Selby open the show with Bart Hall. The Fred Hall Shows are “The Ultimate Outdoor Experience” and you will see why when you attend. The massive San Diego event is coming up March 22nd through the 25th. Details at fredhall.com.
Our next guest is Terrill Agnew from High Seas Trading Company. High Seas is dedicated to converting fine art to cloth which is tailored in Califonia. Gotta check out their awesome clothes at highseastradingco.com.
Bass pro Mark Lassange stops by next. Mark has some great tips including bass fishing techniques during spawning season. More info at bassanglermag.com.
Hour Two
John and Frank open hour two with Jesse Graham from Big Blue Charters in Sitka, Alaska. Jesse talks about his background, fishing the Sitka area and he explains long lining. Go to bigbluecharters.com.
Our final guest for this episode is Jason Grupp with Break Water Tours. He talks about some of the incredible fishing trips he’s organized both here in the U.S. and south of the border. Start planning your dream trip at breakwatertours.com.
And be sure to visit Frank Selby’s His and Her Fly Fishing Shop in Newport Beach, California. His web site is hisandherflyfishing.com.