After twenty-plus years of paying bills, raising kids and pursuing duel careers, has your marriage of love and devotion slowly but surely transformed into a marriage of convenience? “It is not destined to remain that way,” affirms America’s ‘Love Doctor’, Dr. Terri Orbuch. However long you’ve been married, you and your spouse deserve a mutually joyful, energetic, comforting and emotionally fulfilling relationship “till death do you part.” Tune in for surprising new ways to revive and deepen your ties of togetherness and to eliminate the 5 most common marital relationship killers. Learn how best to acknowledge and accept your spouse’s uniqueness and why it makes sense to serve as loving caretaker, regardless of your mate’s age, health and physical condition. New world thinkers Dianne and Alan Collins inspire you to “master your mind” in order to “master your life.” Discover how learning to ‘quantum think’ can transform your entire outlook from negative to positive and open your world to “infinite possibility”!