
A New Spin on Autism: Answers! – Out Of The Mouth Of Moms… RPM for Autism Stories

Lynette Louise

RPM stands for Rapid Prompting Method and describes a fast becoming popular way of teaching verbally challenged children to communicate via stencils/ letter boards and independent typing. It is more recent adaption to facilitated communication originally called supported typing.

These methods are seen as controversial so to give it a voice from the people actually benefitting and gaining deeper connections with their children Lynette interviews three moms with three very different children using RPM.

In this mom free for all we get a chance to hear several stories of success and improvement as well as a little brain science on how these misunderstanding of our ASD kiddos are created. A great moment in the show happens when we get to imagine two siblings finally managing to dis on one of their parents and commiserate in the manner all siblings were meant to commiserate.

Today we skipped the Great Guest Giveaway because our guests were too great to make time for the section. We will do it again next episode.

Today’s question “How do you tell if a therapy is helping or hurting?”

Today’s answer: “By the increased comfort (or discomfort) in your child.”

In Stories From The Road Lynette shares the story of Carly Fleischmann a young Canadian woman instrumental in changing the acceptance of this type of communicating.